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Technology Curriculum Support Project - 2011


The Curriculum Support Project (CSP) is a mechanism for providing flexible professional learning support for technology at a regional and national level.

Basic structure of the project

The CSP supports 'expert' facilitators from out of region to be available to assist technology teachers in specific aspects of technology teaching, learning and assessment. Funding from the CSP can be applied for to support a sponsoring group or organisation to host a professional learning opportunity for teachers. This opportunity may be presented in the form of a teacher cluster meeting or workshop.

The Ministry funds School Support Services (SSS) to provide professional learning support to teachers. Cluster meeting or workshop supported by the CSP should be seen as an adjunct to the services offered by SSS technology advisers. Rather they need to tailor into the SSS regional plan for technology teacher professional development. Communication between a group or organisation proposing a CSP supported teacher professional development and the regional technology adviser is therefore essential.

What is supported?

Funding is available from the CSP to subsidise the costs of bringing a visiting facilitator(s) into a region to provide professional development to teachers of technology. Examples of such costs include assistance with a facilitator's travel and associated expenses including teacher release or professional fees and preparation time. It is expected that the host group or organisation will off-set the total cost of conducting the professional development opportunity for teachers by charging a teacher participation fee. This fee should cover such things as venue and hospitality costs, and also contribute to the overall cost of involving a visiting facilitator(s). A CSP cannot cover any costs associated with the attendance of teachers in the region.

Professional learning opportunities for teachers supported by CSP funding:

  • MUST support the implementation of technology in the NZC (there are many ways this can be done so please ask),
  • MUST involve teacher participants from more than two schools and IDEALLY consist of 12 or more teachers (this is able to be negotiated), and
  • MUST be part of a longer term professional learning programme that links into the SSS advisers regional professional development plan for technology.

The format for a particular CSP is flexible. The following are format types that have been supported to date:

  • 1 day workshop
  • 2 day consecutive workshop
  • afternoon –> evening cluster meeting(s)
  • 2 one day workshops spread over 2 terms

It is important to consider who will facilitate the professional development offered to teachers supported by the CSP.

Who to contact?

Cliff Harwood: National Technology Professional Development Manager
Email: [email protected]. Phone: 027 430 3324.

Who can access the resource?

Any group or organisation interested in supporting the professional learning of a group of technology teachers.

Making it happen

Complete the proposal for funding attached and email completed form to Cliff Harwood.
Terms Three and Four 2011 proposals to be submitted by 20 May , 2011. Terms One and Two 2011 Proposals were submitted for consideration by 16 December, 2010.

Fill in the application form online

Download an Application Form (PDF, 214Kb)