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'The New Zealand Curriculum' (2007)

Indicators of Progression
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Indicators of Progression in Technology

The Indicators of Progression as presented in the matrices below describe student competencies and the learning environment related to the Achievement Objectives of each strand of the technology curriculum in The New Zealand Curriculum (2007) . The indicators associated with the learning environment provide opportunity to highlight the importance of teacher support of students at all levels. They also acknowledge how the nature of teaching needs to change in order to ensure students are provided with authentic opportunities to take more responsibility for their learning in technology. As such, they recognise the importance of the learning environment and all its underpinning aspects including the critical role of teacher action and interaction in student learning.

Taken together, the progression matrices allow teachers and students to develop a sense of how technological literacy progresses through technology education. The indicators provided in the matrices do not define specific knowledge and skills, but rather focus on generic understandings and capabilities that will be developed through working across a range of different contexts. The Indicators of Progression provide a mechanism for managing multilevel teaching that supports individual student learning needs.

The indicators for the Components of Technological Practice (Brief Development, Planning for Practice and Outcome Development and Evaluation) have been developed through classroom research and refined through subsequent trialing. These indicators are therefore ready to be used to guide formative and summative assessment practices, planning decisions and the development of effective and efficient reporting mechanisms for multiple audiences including the students, their caregivers, and future teachers both within and across schools.

The indicators for the Components of Technological Knowledge and the Nature of Technology (Technological Modelling, Technological Products and Technological Systems; and Characteristics of Technology and Characteristics of Technological Outcomes) are currently in draft form as they are still in their developmental stage. They have been developed to sit under the completed Achievement Objectives for the two new strands, but are yet to be validated by classroom research. It is expected these indicators will be refined over the next two years as student data becomes available. Indicators at Emergent, Level 1, 2 and 3 for Characteristics of Technological Outcomes and Technological Products have already begun to be refined as based on findings from initial research. These indicators are therefore NOT ready to be used for summative assessment practices and or reporting purposes. They are being made available for teachers to use as discussion tools that may increase understandings of the two new strands, and to provide support for formative interactions between teachers and students when developing knowledge and skills inherent in the two new strands for the purpose of enhancing student Technological Practice.

You can use the navigation table below to quickly jump to a particular indicator:

Technological Practice Emergent Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Nature of Technology Emergent Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Technological Knowledge Emergent Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
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